September 26, 2009

Hello From Atlanta!

We arrived in Atlanta this morning at around 10:30, and made our way to Jen & Mike's house. It's so good to see them! Their new house is's a cute bungalow in a great neighborhood. Jen showed us around the little square near their house...cute restaurants, coffee shops & such. It started raining pretty hard, but it's warm...just very wet! Rick and Mike stayed in and watched the Red Sox/Yankees game...Rick was in heaven! He's missed watching the games while we've been away. Jen and I decided a rainy day was perfect for the movies, so we went into town and saw Julie & Julia. I liked it much better than the book, and Meryl Streep was awesome as Julia Child. Definitely Oscar material! Tonight we went out for dinner at a nice restaurant, Watershed, where we had a fabulous meal. After dinner we walked to Decatur Square for a drink, then back home to relax. It was so nice to not be in the car all day...we drove 900+ miles in the last two days!

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